Ayurvedic Yogaweekend with Janesh Vaidya

6-8 september 2024

Vi har gleden av å få besøk av Ayurveda-Gurun Janesh Vaidya og Malin Barrling!

Janesh Vaidya er en internasjonalt kjent Ayurveda-utøver og ambassadør, foreleser og forfatter. I mer enn ti år har Janesh reist rundt i Europa og USA og delt sin kunnskap innenfor ayurveda gjennom hundrevis med forelesninger og så langt syv bøker om helse og ayurveda, flere av bøkene er oversatt til norsk.

Velkommen til Finnskogtoppen for en helg med Ayurvedisk Helhetlig helse. Ayurveda handler om å lære om «livet» og kan gi oss alle en insikt i en tusenår gammel helsereform fra India, hvor hele mennesket inkluderes. Kurset holdes på engelsk av Janesh Vaidya og Malin Barrling. Kurset vil til stor del utgå fra deres bestselgende yogabøker Yoga is My Therapy og Food is My Medicine. Begge bøkene er med på topplisten over best solgte yogabøker i Sverige.

Prisen inkluderer kursavgift, overnatting med helpensjon og alle våre fasiliteter så som aktiviteter og bassengområde i tider utenfor kurset.

6 – 8 september
The power of Ayurveda

Del i dobbeltrom kr.6380,- (opphold kr.4380,- + kursavgift kr.2000,-)
Enkeltrom kr.6780,- (opphold kr.4780,- + kursavgift kr.2000,-)
Del i leilighet kr.6780,- (opphold kr.4780,- + kursavgift kr.2000,-)
Del i suite kr.7180 (opphold kr.5180,- + kursavgift kr.2000,-)

Nb! For deg som bor i nærområdet kan du også delta på kurset uten overnatting. Ta kontakt med oss på post@finnskogtoppen.no så hjelper vi deg.




Born in a traditional family in South India, Janesh Vaidya started his education in ayurveda in the early years of his life with his grandmother, a well-respected ayurveda practitioner in the village, and extended his knowledge in the subject of Mana-shastra (psychology), Vedanta (philosophy), Dhyana (meditation), Kalari marma chikitsa (Kerala martial art therapy) and Yoga chikitsa (yoga therapy) from the traditional village schools in South India known as gurukulam.
Janesh Vaidya also has a bachelor’s degree from Mahatma Gandhi University and a master’s degree in human resources development.

For more than a decade he has been traveling in Europe and United States sharing his knowledge in the field of ayurveda through lectures, columns and books, based on his traditional knowledge in the subject and the experience in working as a practitioner of ayurveda around the world. During the years Vaidya has done hundreds or inspirational lectures and so far he has written seven books in the field of health, which has been translated and published in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Holland.

Janesh Vaidya, the MD (Managing Director) of Vaidya’s Ayurveda Village in Kerala, south India, is an internationally known Ayurveda practitioner and ambassador, lecturer and the author of bestselling health books in Europe.

Les mer om Janesh Vaidya her.


Ayurveda Yoga Therapist from Sweden, who has been working with yoga for 20 years, creating individual yoga therapy programs to heal the symptoms of her clients around the world as well as educating students to become yoga therapists for the future aid for the humans to maintain a healthy life on this planet earth.



A lecture in Ayurvedic lifestyle with Janesh Vaidya

Are you seeking the knowledge and inspiration to make a lifestyle change that can boost your health and energy? Or are you searching for the wisdom that can give you more understanding about yourself and the people around you? For any of your health quest you are warmly welcome to listen to my ancestors’ wisdom.



The Workshop: “Yoga is my Therapy” with Malin Barrling

Malin will guide you safely from one asana to the next, based on how to adjust to the different dosha (PDF) you might have. The different doshas needs to be addressed separately and exclusively.
You will learn how you easy can adjust your yoga practice after your dominant dosha, and this way you will gain more from the practice.
This is Yoga therapy at its best. And by learning the therapeutic essence of yoga asanas, feel the difference and learning how to adjust, you will have the best tool for your inner balance and also if you are a teacher, you can guide your students more safely.

The Workshop: «Energize Your life»

In this workshop you will be guided by two experts in this field – Janesh Vaidya and Malin Barrling – the authors of one of the best sold yoga books in Sweden:
Yoga is My Therapy.

The spine of the workshop is how to unblock the flow of our life-energy by correcting our body postures. During the day and night (24 hours), we humans are naturally staying in three positions – standing, sitting and lying. Because of our modern lifestyle, all these three postures become unnatural which leads to incorrect body functions and thus block the vital energy in our subtle body.

The core motive of this three-hour session is to train each participant to correct their body postures and help them stand, walk, sit and sleep in the natural positions, and thus extend the benefits of yoga by practicing this ancient wisdom 24 hours outside the yoga-mat – while sitting in their office, walking in the streets, and lying on their bed.

Remember, our beauty and attraction is not merely depending on the quality of our skin or hair, but our physical posture. Because of our comfortable lifestyle in these modern times, our muscles are getting weaker every year and our body shows the symptoms of old age faster, which reflects through our wrong body postures.

When we correct the posture, we can stay healthy and attractive by letting the free flow of our vital energies through our entire body and stay energetic in all seasons and ages in our life. This 24-hour natural yoga practice will help all systems in our body, so we can maintain a smooth function, especially of our digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems, which is the key to our optimal health.

Think about how you could live your entire life with the right posture and thus maintain your youthfulness and energy from morning till evening, Monday to Sunday, January to December and rest of your life.
Yes, it’s amazing! Isn’t it?

Se video her: Energize your life – Janesh Vaidya on tour 2017 (youtube.com)



Lecture by Janesh Vaidya: «Food is my medicine«

Based on his book with the same name.
It is important to note that apart from us humans all other species in the world are using food as the only medicine to maintain their health. And they are gaining this wisdom directly from the nature and practicing all through their life, while we humans are trying to learn from the literature and struggling to practice inside our square rooms. If we can completely trust in our mother nature and treat with respect, the healing process will start inside and outside our skin.

To understand the use of food as the medicine ayurveda defines food as nature’s essence which is recognized by its six tastes:
sweet, sour, salt, pungent, bitter and astringent.
Whether it is a fruit or a vegetable, nut or a grain, the properties of each food item vary according to the dominating elements in it, which we can sense by its natural taste. When we take in a food with a particular taste, remember that its effect in our body is decided by the property of that food. 

Janesh says:
In my village I have never seen anyone using a recipe book in their kitchen, but their senses. That must be the reason every time the same food tastes different. The taste of the food is depending on not only the ingredients in it but also the feeling of the person who prepared it. My grandma often reminded people in the kitchen to cook with a loving attitude in a peaceful atmosphere, which I believe is the most important in the art of cooking.

  • Dobbeltrom: 6380,- pr. person
  • Enkeltrom: 6780,- pr. person
  • Del i leilighet: 6780,- pr. person
  • Del i suite: 7180,- pr. person
  • Frokost, lunsj og middag
  • Trening
  • Basseng
  • Spa


Fra 15:00 Innsjekk
15:00 – 17:00 Hotellet tilbyr trening, se program her.
17:00 – 19.00 Lecture with Janesh Vaidya – Introduction to Ayurvedic lifestyle.
18:00 – 20:00 3-retters middag
20:00 Hotellet tilbyr trening, se program her.
Bassengområde åpent til kl.23:00

07:00 – 08:30 Morgenyoga
09:00 – 10:00 Frokost
10:30 – 12:30 Workshop with Malin Barrling – Yoga is my therapy
13:00 – 14:00 Lunsj
15:00 – 18:00 Workshop with Janesh and Malin – Energize your life
18:30 – 20:00 3-retters middag
Bassengområde åpent til kl.23:00

07:00 – 08.30 Morgenyoga
09:00 – 10:00 Frokost
11:00 – 13:00 Lecture with Janesh Vaidya – Food is My Medicine
13:00 – 14:00 Lunsj

Med forbehold for endringer

Kjekt å vite

Innsjekk fra kl. 15.00 til kl. 22.00
Utsjekk kl. 11.00

Vi tilbyr helpensjon i alle våre pakker. Kveldsbuffe/middag er inkludert ankomstdagen. Frokost og lunsj avreisedagen. Øvrige dager er frokost, lunsj og kveldsbuffe/middag inkludert. Lunsj ankomstdag kan bestilles i tillegg til kr 325,- ved ledig kapasitet.

Alle våre måltider serveres som buffet unntatt middag fredag og lørdag da vi serverer en 3-retters. Ønsker du vegetar – angi det ved din bestilling.

​Frokost: 08.00 – 10.00
Lunsj: 12.30 – 14.00
Kveldsbuffe/Middag: 18.00 – 19.30 (fre-lør 20.00)

Vi planlegger måltidene nøye i henhold til antall forhåndsbestillinger for å unngå matsvinn. Det er derfor viktig at du forhåndsbestiller måltider hvis du ønsker det utover de som er inkludert i ditt opphold.

Opplys oss om eventuelle allergier ved bestilling. Selv om vi gjør vårt beste for å imøtekomme dine behov, kan det hende vi ikke klarer imøtekomme alle forespørsler. Ta kontakt med oss hvis har spørsmål om vi kan imøtekomme din allergi.

Bassengområdet med basseng, boblebad og badstuer er åpent 07.00 til 23.00 hver dag. Du kan også trene på egen hånd i treningsrommet når det ikke er felles trening.

Ved å kjøpe avbestillingsforsikring kan ordren fritt avbestilles inntil 24h før ankomst. Bestill avbestillingsforsikring i forbindelse med din bestilling eller maks 7 dager etter bestillingsdato (og minimum 15 dager før ankomst) til post@finnskogtoppen.no (kr.295,- per person).

Uten avbestillingsforsikring: Avbestilling med full refusjon kan gjøres inntil 2 uker før planlagt ankomstdag. Ved avbestilling senere enn 2 uker betales en %vis andel av avtalt pris, jfr. ordrebekreftelsen under punkt 1, som følger:
Ved avbestilling 2 til 1 uke (7 dager) før ankomstdato, 10%
Ved avbestilling 7 til 3 dager før ankomstdato, 25%
Ved avbestilling 0 til 3 dager før ankomstdato, 50%
Avbestilling for grupper/konferanse: Se egen avtale.

​Avbestilling kan gjøres direkte online, se din reservasjonsbekreftelse. Hvis du ikke har bestilt oppholdet online gjøres avbestillingen skriftlig til post@finnskogtoppen.no

Behandlinger under ditt opphold kan bestilles separat, se vår behandlingsmeny. 

Ønsker du vite mer om vårt vakre område Finnskogen kan du lese mer om det her.

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